Friday, February 20, 2009

Zach had "Crazy Hair Day" at school today. I sent him off wondering what the neighbors would think of his "new hair". It was created by layering cement-like hair gel with rock solid hair spray. It was made to endure.

I couldn't help wondering if it was still in place when the school nurse called early this afternoon to tell me that Zach had just thrown up. A mere 4 hours after I took this picture, he was reduced to a heaving, moaning, sobbing heap back home on the couch, his head resting (mohawk standing tall) on a wastebasket.

Poor Baby. He doesn't get sick very often. When he does, it seems to last all of 12 hours. I hope this time is no different. I can't help but think of the parents of a friend of a friend from church who, 28 days ago today, took their 10 month old precious baby girl to the pediatrician for a routine check up, only to find out that she had stage 4 Neuroblastoma. I followed their blog and grew much more attached than I intended to this beautiful baby. Cora started chemotherapy almost immediately, but passed away early in the morning of February 8th.

I watch my son suffer through the nausea, vomiting, fever and body aches of the stomach flu and know that as much as I hope this "love" isn't shared with the rest of us, I would do anything to take it from him and let it run its ugly course through my body. I simply can't imagine the anguish Jess and Joel endured watching the chemo ravage their sweet baby girls' body; not being able to hold her... and all without knowing whether or not she actually would feel better again soon. Though I don't "know" them, they're in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Crazy Hair Day

A seemingly rare display of affection.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fun & Games!

I think I've figured out what to do! Our children are nutty (probably no more so than anyone else's kids, but they seem exceptionally nutty to us). I'm consistantly amused at the conversations we have with them, and even better are the ones they have with each other. They're so oblivious (or so it would seem) to the random hilarity of their comments, making them even more entertaining.

Just a minute ago, I walked by the bathroom and reached to turn the light off for the 22nd time today. As I did, I noticed that the little one who had dashed to the bathroom just moments before, shrieking "Pee pee! Pee pee!" had forgotten to flush. I turned around to find him naked and on display in the front window. "Somebody forgot to flush the potty...." I said, trying to sound cheerful.


"Somebody forgot to flush the potty!"


"You forgot to flush the potty!"



"WHAT??!"........Silence.......Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp........Flush....."THERE! Now don't say that again!"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What to do with this?

....So this is blogging. Hm. I stumbled upon this as a way to "document" this special time in our family's life that everyone is constantly telling me is soooo fleeting! Tony and I have been married'll be 8 years next month! Zach is 6 and Jakey is 3 (and suffering from the stomach flu tonight--poor baby!)

I'll have to find a theme for our family blog, but for now, just needed a "first" blog! Hoping this will inspire me to take more pictures of the boys in all their crazy, quirky cuteness!

Nite nite!